
  • I "Nøglen til din hjerne" tilbyder Mentaltræner Jørgen Svenstrup fra EmpowerMind, svar på spørgsmål, indenfor alle aspekter af personlig udvikling, og kommer med helt konkrete anvisninger til hvordan du kan komme godt ud af udfordrende situationer.
    Podcast-serien øger derfor din bevidsthed og styrker dit mentale immunforsvar, så du bliver bedre rustet til mødet med virkeligheden.
    Du er velkommen til at skrive til [email protected] og stille spørgsmål til Jørgen, som han vil besvare i de følgende programmer.
    Ny episode hver torsdag kl. 20.00.
    Er du ny lytter kan du med fordel starte med de FØRSTE afsnit!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/noglen-til-din-hjerne--2350315/support.

  • Det her er podcasten, der gør juraen spiselig, og hvor de tunge juridiske problemstillinger og gråzoner gøres lette og transparente. K-NEWS.dk har samlet alt fra studiepodcasts til reportager, der alle har det tilfælles, at de giver dig indblik i juraen på en ny og oplysende facon.

  • Parenting Smarts! We need them, and sometimes we feel them. Our host, Dr. MaryRuth Hackett, is a mom of four with a doctorate in educational psychology, specializing in child development. Parenting Smarts blends together the science of child development and the realities of family life.

    Thanks for listening! Be sure to subscribe, download, and share with the people you know who could use some Parenting Smarts!

  • PROSA er det eneste fagforbund udelukkende for it-professionelle. Derfor har vi ekspertise i de udfordringer, du som it-professionel møder i din karriere.
    Vi udgiver jævnligt nye podcasts her på siden.

  • Inspirational women share advice on presenting and confidence, with comedian and writer Viv Groskop. Want to learn the secrets of brilliant public speaking? Each episode, Viv chats to a guest about what owning the room means to them. What is their approach to commanding attention and respect in the workplace, and beyond?

    This is the place to hear personal experiences of wonderful women at the top of their game, as they talk all things power, presence and performance.

    You’ll find lots of practical advice for developing great presentation skills, finding your voice and turbo-charging confidence. Plus masterclasses with tips and tricks on overcoming nerves, curing imposter syndrome, and knowing how to prepare. Our agenda is to inspire every woman to shine in the spotlight and push outside her comfort zone.

    Guests have included Hillary Clinton with her thoughts on public speaking (and pant suits!); broadcaster Gabby Logan on building resilience and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Isabel Wilkerson on cultivating self-belief. Not to mention the likes of Margaret Atwood, Professor Mary Beard and Sophie Ellis-Bextor. You’ll find words of wisdom from entrepreneurs and CEOs; award-winning writers, actors and activists; politicians and therapists. Check out the back catalogue: it’s an amazingly rich resource that’s built up since the podcast started in 2018, with Nigella Lawson as our first guest!

    How to Own the Room is the brainchild of presenter Viv Groskop, an award-winning writer, comedian, broadcaster and performance coach. She switched from journalism to stand-up comedy in her late thirties and became fascinated by stereotypical ideas around women and performance. She passionately believes that being yourself in front of other people is a skill we can all master, to enrich our emotional and practical lives. She is one of the most sought-after speakers for stand-up, MCing, awards hosting and keynote speaking.

    Viv’s best-selling ‘How to Own the Room: Women and the Art of Brilliant Speaking’ formed the basis for this podcast. Her other titles include 'Lift As You Climb: Women and the Art of Ambition’ and ‘Happy High Status: How to be Effortlessly Confident’.


  • If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

  • I Jeg er mor taler vi om alt det man ikke siger højt i mødregruppen eller til familiefesten. Alt fra konkrete ammeteknikker, til nyligt opståede bekymringer og følsomhed, eller når baby-lykken syntes at udeblive. I en blanding af personlige fortællinger, diskussioner, meditative øvelser og faglige indspark folder vi emnerne ud.
    Hver podcast er et sneakpeek ind i appen Jeg er mor, som du kan downloade fra AppStore. En app, der støtter mødre til at finde fodfæste i rollen som mor.

    Jeg er mor udspringer af en tro på, at vi ikke har brug for flere eksperter, men at vi har brug for sammen at skabe et rum, hvor vi støtter hinanden ind i en bedre fremtid. En fremtid med milde øjne, hvor der er mere råderum for og respekt til nybagte mødre.

    Duoen bag Jeg er mor består af forfatter og pædagog Julie Bruhn Højsgaard og af Cand.comm. Laura Vilsgaard.

  • Detox Din Hjerne er podcasten, der udrenser dit sind for usunde usandheder om sundhed. I hvert afsnit vil stifterne af VaneCoach-uddannelsen, Morten Elsøe og Anne Gaardmand, punktere de myter og overbevisninger om ernæring, træning og vægttab, der står i vejen for sund adfærd – og et vellevet liv.

  • Podcast der udforsker kvinder og karriere af Rikke Kristine Østergaard og Naja Lind Rasmussen.
    En Ditto produktion.
    Artwork af Pete Lacey.